Unlock WBSO Eligibility: A Business-Driven Approach to Identifying R&D Projects

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Written byTraqqie

Did you know that many businesses miss out on valuable WBSO subsidies simply because they don’t recognize which projects are eligible? By adopting a business-driven approach, you can seamlessly identify R&D projects that not only align with your company’s growth but also qualify for valuable financial support through WBSO. Let’s explore how to unlock your business’s potential by identifying the right WBSO projects and preparing a successful WBSO application.

1. Review Your Business Roadmap

Start by examining your company’s long-term goals and strategic initiatives. A project that qualifies for WBSO typically involves the development of new technologies, software, or systems. These projects should push boundaries and require technical advancements that help meet broader business objectives.

Ask yourself:

• Is your company preparing to launch a product that will push the boundaries of technology?

• Are there initiatives that rely on innovative software development or cutting-edge technologies?

• Is there a strategic goal that can only be achieved through new technology or innovation?

By identifying these opportunities on the roadmap, you’ll quickly zero in on potential WBSO-eligible projects.

2. Engage with Key Business Stakeholders

Collaborating with stakeholders ensures that business goals are paired with the necessary technical innovation, aligning R&D projects with strategic growth targets. Engaging with stakeholders across departments can reveal projects that require significant R&D efforts. Speak with product managers, business leaders, and department heads to understand upcoming goals and challenges that might require innovative technological solutions.

Questions to Ask Stakeholders:

• What business challenges are we facing that require new technology?

• Which tools or platforms do we need to achieve our goals?

• Are there any goals that require substantial R&D efforts?

For example, a software company aiming to automate customer support might need to develop a complex natural language processing model to achieve this, which could qualify under WBSO due to the significant R&D efforts required.

3. Prioritize Projects Involving Technical Uncertainty

WBSO is designed to subsidize research and development efforts that involve technical uncertainty. Focus on initiatives where the outcome is not guaranteed and requires solving technical challenges.

For example:

• Developing a feature where existing technologies don’t fully meet your needs.

• Building a custom software solution that involves experimenting with new methodologies.

• Creating algorithms that optimize business processes but require technical experimentation.

These types of projects go beyond routine development and are ripe for WBSO application.

4. Document the Business Rationale for WBSO Projects

Once you’ve identified a potential WBSO project, it’s important to connect the project to clear business benefits. Show how the R&D effort contributes to the company’s growth, efficiency, or competitive advantage.

For instance, if your team is developing a new machine learning algorithm, explain how this R&D will enhance customer insights, improve automation, or optimize decision-making in a way that directly impacts the business.

5. Ensure You Have the Resources for Success

Once you’ve aligned the project with your strategic goals and identified technical uncertainties, the next step is ensuring you have the right resources to deliver on the project. Do you have dedicated technical teams who can commit to solving the complex challenges involved? Is there enough time allocated for the R&D phase? WBSO claims require you to carefully track R&D hours, so make sure your resources are well-defined and can be monitored effectively.

WBSO Eligibility Checklist

Before diving into your WBSO application, ensure your project meets these key criteria:

Technological Innovation: Your project should involve innovative R&D in technology, such as developing new software or systems.

Technical Challenges: The R&D must address clear technical uncertainties where the outcome isn’t guaranteed.

R&D Hour Tracking: Ensure you track R&D hours spent on solving technical challenges, as administrative hours don’t count.

Dutch Registration: Your business must be registered in the Netherlands to apply for the WBSO subsidy.

By ensuring your project ticks all these boxes, you’ll position your business to fully leverage the WBSO subsidy and unlock its innovation potential.

Next Steps: Writing and Administering Your WBSO Application with Traqqie

Once you’ve identified a WBSO-eligible project, the next step is ensuring your WBSO application is written and submitted correctly. At Traqqie.com, we provide expert assistance with both the writing and submission of WBSO applications, ensuring the wording aligns with WBSO requirements.

We don’t stop there. Traqqie also ensures ongoing compliance through automated admin processes, reducing errors and saving your team valuable time. With our end-to-end support, we help you maximize your subsidy benefits and focus on innovation.

Don’t Let WBSO Complexity Slow You Down

Don’t let WBSO complexity slow down your business—get in touch with Traqqie today and fast-track your WBSO application with our streamlined, hassle-free process. With Traqqie’s support, identifying and applying for WBSO projects becomes a smooth process, allowing your business to fully benefit from the WBSO subsidy with minimal hassle.

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